Friday, 28 December 2012


Its the time...

Now i think i know already what should i do with this blog. although the goal at the beginning just to complete the assignment, maybe i should just continue to reflect and it will be used as my own journal or references in the future. 

So, what should i write exactly???(Here the suggestion) 
  • update what will i do
  • knowledge of electronic system
  • or my opinion on something
Next week, on 02/01/13, my exam will start... I hope that, everything gonna be fine, n Hakim, do not nervous.. Just keep moving on with your effort, and try to make your parent proud k.. 

Usaha lah kim, sebab Allah dah janji, Dia takkan ubah nasib sesuatu kaum melainkan kaum itu sendiri yg mengubahnya... Anggap semua cabaran, kegagalan, dugaan semata2 kerana kurang usaha, bukan sebab bodoh atau salah Yang Maha Esa, tetapi diri sendiri... 

"Adakah kamu sangka kamu boleh masuk syurga, sedangkan tidak datang kepada kamu dugaan atau ujian, seperti orang2 sebelum drpd kamu" - Hadis Muslim 

Hidup di dunia hanya sementara, sebab tu kita perlu kejar akhirat lebih dari kejar dunia. Ini bermaksud dunia kita jangan tinggal, tetapi akhirat kita WAJIB kejar... I remember sentences from Dr kamal, n this is what i can conclude from his words "Iman itu sebenarnya perlu diselenggara dengan amal, kalu tidak nanti berkarat, kalu berkarat, nanti berkurang dan mungkin akan hilang dimamah masa"...

So, i hope i can still struggle n never give up on this engineering...

#Harapan - saya boleh mendalami bidang hadis after finish my engineering course...  

Friday, 30 November 2012

Industrial Visit : Canon Opto Malaysia Factory!! (Industry Experience)

Reflection 7...

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera.

Alhamdulillah. I've once again given this opportunity to write reflection this week. Its really sad to say this that this week is the last reflection for our subject(Introduction To Electronic System Engineering). I mean this is the end of evaluation process for this subject.After this, I just can write anythings i learn in this course later on, as i found that this reflective journal really help me in study and targeting what i want to achieve in this course. I will try to update this reflective journal always. For me, this reflection really help me to review and understand more about this course generally. Its good actually as we first year student still new to this course. A lot of us, still confuse of what this course provide us, what will we learn in details as after we choose what field of electronic system we want, and what are the future of graduated students from this course. As we know, its almost the end for semester one, and of course we electronic system(elecsys) students gain a lot of knowledge and information about this course after going through this course for a few months. hahaha.

Okay lets start discussing every single things in details of the trip to Canon Opto (Malaysia) Factory Sdn. Bhd (COM). The factory located in Shah Alam, and we going there by using two buses, as both section combine to do this industrial visit. Its like a happy and big family of elecsys work together and cooperate with each other in doing this industrial visit. We depart from Kolej Siswa Jaya (KSJ) around 8 am, and we arrive at COM factory around 10 am. Seems like the COM really far from our college as it took quite some time to arrive there. But, actually, we misguided because of certain problem during the trip. But nevermind, we still arrived at COM right.

Canon Opto Malaysia main building

When we arrived at the factory, we can see that a few COM staff are waiting for us in front of the main building there. They really welcome us with warm smile and we feel really appreciated and most welcome of course. Then after greeting between our trip lecturers that are Dr AKM Muzahidul Islam and Mr. Redzuan, with representative from COM that are their Assistant General Manager, Mr Nazir and manager from Public Relation and Communication Department(PR), Mdm Jurina and her assistant. The first thing that we do at the COM before we enter the building is taking picture together, because COM want to keep the photo of their visitors as it is like a memories to the company. Then, we were lead into the beauty building of COM factory for tour or trip briefing in this COM factory. We are lead to meeting room in that building to hear a few regulations that we must follow during the tour in the factory and a welcome speech from Mr Nazir. First briefing is from Mr Ayub the manager form Safety and Environmental Health. The briefing really short and simple but full of information about everything related to safety during the tour. Then the briefing continue by Mr Nazir the Assistant GM of COM. A warm welcome speech from him covered aspects like activities of COM this year, and achievement of the company from it start on 1989 till today 2012. Some of it like the first company to receive the ISO 14000 from the government, they giving scholarship to selected student to study in overseas, and many more contribution to charity event. For our information, 95% of COM products like digital camera and EF lenses are exported to overseas and most of Asian and Europe countries. In 1995, Canon Inc. merge COM and CCM under 1 roof that named COM. Start from this, COM start to achieve a lot in Malaysia gain millions of profit year by year.
Ready for group photo...
We listen to what program will we do at COM...

After the welcome speech by assistant GM done, then Mr Husaini, manager from Water Treatment Plant unit take over the program and he explain that he will bring us for tour in the water treatment plant as that is the compulsory thing to show to the visitors that come to COM.
Fortunate : i take picture with Mr Husaini one of the manager at COM...

Lets begin with the tour to Water Treatment Plant. Before that, Mr Husaini tell us that generally there are 4 phase to treat water in COM factory that are :-

  • Phase 1 : Filter Press 1
  • Phase 2 : Waste Minimization Center
  • Phase 3 : Recycle Waste Yard/ Bin Center
  • Phase 4 : Tube Well Treatment Plant
First of all, we were guided to phase 1 that is Filter Press phase. This is where Canon treat their water before recharge it into the drain. The company policy state that, They will reduce adverse impacts of the company operation towards protection of environment by necessary means and actions for a better and harmonious environment. It is because Canon is the company that really practice sustainability in their company policy. Actually, according to the data from Canon, they use about 2000 m3  perday. Almost 80% of the water was used for cleaning the lenses and the rest 20% are use for other purpose. There are also a big RO process machine that always used by industry there. According to Mr Husaini, the RO machine are the old one and Canon has been using it for a long time, but what is unique about this RO machine is, we only need a capital of RM 2.00 for 2000 bottle of mineral water, and in the market they sale this mineral water for RM 1 per bottle. Can you guys imagine how much is the profit that they get for selling this mineral water. For our information, big company likes COM that love the environment, they has to comply the rules, regulations and standards imposed by the Malaysian Government, Canon Inc, and COM itself in its daily operations.
Filter Press Area : RO machine 

The process of producing RO water

Second one is the phase 2 that is waste minimization center/Bin Center. According to Mr Husaini, this place is where chemical waste from core production is being treat. There is another policy that COM need to follow as it is the company rule, like they cannot bring their waste out from COM factory area because they need to treat their waste products by themselves. They using all the high technology machine in this phase 2, and according to Mr Husaini, the machine use was 1 of the most high technology in the world. I'm impressed with the COM policy that really care about environment besides thinking about how to maximize the company profit. We didnt enter this phase 2 area as it involve the chemical waste, but according to Mr Husaini, its okay as long as we follow the rule and regulations stated by the company. Because of a lot of people didnt want to enter, Mr Husaini lead us to another phase that is phase 3.

The Waste Minimization Center...

Okay, this phase 3 involve in managing the general waste or solid waste that mostly are apart from the production waste. They compose food waste become fertilizer and and food packaging into carbon. Amazing isn't it?? COM really committed and strict in managing their waste. They have the carbonizer machine, that use heating element to transform general waste  into carbon or coat the waste with carbon. Actually, this process need science explanation, here i explain this process based on what i understand according to Mr husaini. He said that in order to reduce the hazardous chemical waste, the chemical waste need to undergo carbonizer process with the absence of oxygen. Thus, with the absence of oxygen, it prevents any chemical reaction with polyvinylchloride, and the like and also it prevent the generation of dioxin that really toxic in its properties. The reduced end product is the stable carbon compound and the cooled product is discharged automatically outside the rotary valve, thus its really make carbonizer machine an eco-friendly machine. Furthermore, COM has its own process area, i mean indoor area. The carbonizer machine use is the one of the most high technology in the world. Like i said before, COM really have one of the most eco-friendly policy in the Malaysia and even the world. Actually COM is the first company to treat their waste inside their own factory area in Malaysia. Its really fantastic, and i think most of the COM workers really grateful because they can work in a healthy and clean environment.
 Picture of Carbonizer Machine Used

another picture carbonizer machine

The last phase is phase 4, that is The Well treatment Plant. Actually this is the phase where COM using other alternative to get water supply other than water that supply by the government. According to Mr Husaini, actually government really need this action of private company to get their own source of water because water that supplied by government actually for the public citizen, and not for the company. Because of COM really using a lot of water everyday, idea of getting their own water supply pop out, and it implemented at COM factory. From this phase, they get water from the underground and processed into distilled water and supply to production unit. After finish explanation about the 4 phase or water treatment plant,Mr Husaini and us go back to the meeting room in the main building.

Tube Well Treatment Plant(other alternative to get water supply)...

Actually i really impressed with the technology, policy, and attitude of work culture and awareness of COM in handling their waste. Its really differ from what i heard before that private company dump their waste into the river and etc, not according to the government policy. I really fortunate to know all this facts, and it changes a whole bunch of idea and perspective in my minds about attitude of private company. Another thing is, the standards that COM practice is they will always do 20% more better than the government standards. I'm really  proud of the policy that are done by this company.

Then after we arrived at the meeting room, we are brief about the next agenda that we will go through that day. We rest for almost 10 minutes after 1 hour tour to water treatment plant. Next activity in this trip is, we will see with our own eyes of the camera and lenses production by the company.This activity, we will do it at level 1 of the main buildings, that is the main production sites for lenses and digital camera.

At level 1, we will watch how the staff working to produce the products. First we were given shoes cover, somethings that i thought for the hair because it really looks like one. hahaha. First of all, after arriving at the first floor, we are divide into 3 groups. One group will be lead by 1 manager from the production unit and my group that consist of around 20 students plus Dr AKM muzahidul Islam. We are lead by Mr Hamid and i really feel fortunate to be part of this group, plus Dr Muzahid really ask a lot of questions that benefits us.

Okay lets start the explanation for this activity. This time it will become a story, and the story will have it sequence from i enter the room of production and after i go out from the room.Okay then, lets start, before we enter the production site, there are metal detectors machine that will check metal things that will taken out from the production site. Its really sophisticated technology that can prevent thieves and for safety purpose. Inside the production site, the place divide into two parts, that are site for digital camera production and EF lenses production plus little bit of DSLR testing sites.

You guys know what, in industry, the product will not using their commercial name like in the market, instead all products will be using code name during production. We introduced to five model of the current camera in the market by Mr Hamid, that are EC298, EC299, EC319, EC309 and EC335. These are the code names that produced by COM. This year 5 digital camera are main products of COM. Why only 5?? Mr Hamid answer really like just like Mr Azlan talk the other day. It is because the life of digital camera only last about 9 to 10 months. So every year, COM will produce new camera for the market. So that people like me will always update my gadgets and a buy a new products with upgraded system and function. Its also because of competition in the market with other companies that produce same kid of procuts. From this, i learn something of marketing strategy  from the manufacturing line in the industry. When I ask about how long is the lenses age in the market, Mr Hamid said that, lenses for DSLR camera really have longer life than cameraitself because 1 of COM products, already 15 years in the market but still demand of that lenses are still okay. So, the production keep monitoring the demand in the market before producing something in order to maintain the profit of the company.

While we were being leads from one section to another and we ask a lot of things and its really nice you know, to understand how they works and manage their working time. To reflect all those section in the production lines, i thinks it will not meet the purpose of this reflective journal, so i'm gonna reflect of what are the discussion about the industry and what can make COM( japanese company) differ from other private company.

Actually during we walk and see how all the workers work, we discussing about japanese work culture in factory, the production technology use by Canon, different between government and non government company, attitude or discipline of workers in COM, the real workplace and what are actually the works of engineer in COM and a lot of other simple things.

COM practice something different from what i know in working environment that i have attained before. It is because they really show the discipline and their attitude are really following the Canon's corporate philosophy that is Kyousei( living and working together for common good). Every works in a section really fast and efficient. For example, 1 section that is assembling section in in assembly line of digital camera consist of 8 subsection. You guys know what, the average time taken for 1 subsection to complete their task is only about 40 seconds. So that means that 1 section only need 5 minutes in average to assemble 1 digital camera. According to Mr Hamid, almost all section are the same in their time of working. One day, one section in production line, can produce maximum of 540 per section and that what they did everyday. The workers that work only can stand up, and cannot sit down doing their works, as they will be given 30 minutes rest every 2 hours. All of them really following this rule and it really amazing you know to see the discipline of the workers. They didn't even talks or gossiping with each other, and according to Mr Hamid, it is because they already implemented with this japanese diligence work culture.

I also asked something to Mr Hamid that is about Computer Integrated Manufacturing(CIM). My question to him sound like this " Do COM implement CIM in this factory and what does the technology used by COM?" Actually this question related to my poster assignment title. I just want to know what are the real opinion of workers in industry itself.

Actually, COM did not fully implemented this CIM yet, but only about 50% of the COM technology using the CIM. Let me draw something more clear into our mind with one example. During the tour in Production line, I saw almost every workers using 1 machine in subsection they manage to use the machine really well. It seem that they really trained using the machine. So according to Mr Hamid, COM still need to use the manpower as fully CIM factory give quite a risk to the company if being implemented there. It is because the traditional way of factory using manpower to do works or produce the products and if COM implement the CIM into their factory, almost ten thousand people will lose their job, as the system works automatically and this is the 1st reason as it will produce everything almost automatically. Second one is, to integrate this system into COM, it will need really a large amount of budgets to ready this system in COM factory, as it is a high technology that work automatically according to the programmed system. They will also need to hired professional manpower to handle or monitor the high tech machine plus the service of CIM technology are really expensive. These are a few reason given by COM manager to me, and i felt that COM really care about the workers welfare.

Then we discussed bout why private company perform really compare to government company. According to Mr Hamid opinion, the different between this 2 company when compare about he system is, private company technology always 1 or 2 step in front the government company. The technology arrive to the private company more faster as they really need to cope with current modernization in order to compete with others company, while technology always late at the government company because a lot of bureaucracy need to be pass before arrive at the factory. Plus government company will never bankrupt as it manage by unlimited government fund while private company only have certain amount of budgets. Thats why Mr Hamid told me that whenever someone from government sector join private sector, he will feel that private sector is really tiring and have a lot of works to compare to government sector and vice versa.

The engineers also work really hard to design or program the machine for assembling process. They work really efficient without any stress and i feel amazed by how their works. Is this really the environment of engineer workplace?? As it seems not like what people said... I think thats all what i can reflect about the production lines plus little bit idea of what industry looks like.

Then, after finish the tour, we go back to meeting room and we have interactions sessions with the staff. Actually it is about the Q & A sessions. But there is no questions raised during that sessions as almost everything have been asked during the tour with Mr Husaini and Mr Hamid. Thanks to the staff that can answer very well every single ques that we asked. After that, we have the exchanging souvenirs between COM and UTM. Thanks for the mug that given by COM as souvenir.
Ashraf representing students to get the souvenir from COM staff.

Lastly, we together with the staff of COM eating our lunch at their canteen. This program really managed very well by COM, and we really grateful to be visitors here and we get 5 star sevices from all the staff. THANKS A LOT COM!!
Our Lunch : Chicken Rice!! Sedaaappppp..

Its really a great to have been at the factory to watch by our own eyes, how the manufacturing process begin and end, and how engineers or people in electronics industry working. The ethics that show by the staff of the japanese origin company that implemented the culture of southeast asia, really open my mind and eyes about the opinion towards working life. Because of very good policy that shown by company, its educated almost all of the staff about good value and what people should do in order to be success in real workplace. 

I think, thats all from me, and I really hope to score very well in this subject. Anything lack bout my reflective journal, you guys are welcome to email me at and i will always accept any comment about my journal@blog. I will always write this journal later, so that i can keep record what is knowledge that i learnt. Assalamualaikum and good to those who read my blog. Thanks.... 

The END.... (for blogging assignment sem1). 

Friday, 23 November 2012

Week 10 : Electronic Systems In Industry

Reflection 6...

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera.

Alhamdulillah... This is the 10th week already and semester 1 almost arrive to a full stop. This indicate that Introduction To Electronic System Engineering class almost come to an end. Lets straight to the point, actually i read some of my friend's blog this week, and their blog really is amazing and fantastic about the contents.I found that, the contents are quite the same. Hahaha, u guys know what? it is because everyone using soft copy of  Mr. Vivek presentations. No wonder there are a lot of creativity in reflecting all those material into a very good reflective journal. Even me myself will be using the same sources of contents. But now, i want to make something different this week, that i will try to interpret all of Mr. Vivek presentation into 1 simple, unique and understandable reflection. I will try to reflect this week reflection and response to all the content of the presentation in my own way.  

Let cut to chase then, 

First, we as usual come to the class at 9 a.m sharp. We thought that the talk will be around 9.30 a.m but then, the talk start at 10 a.m. So, in the meantime, Dr Kamal briefing us about the trip to Canon, and he mention that he and Dr Azran will not follow the trip because of both of them need to attend important seminar. So, next week we will go to canon opto factory and all students are compulsory to attend this trip. If not, they must give a concrete reason why. All students should complete the EPPP, a place to comment on how is the lecturers performance in class according to the student's opinion. There is one question from Dr Kamal that i want to share here that is " Why MJIIT is unique and difference from other universities in Malaysia and please state your opinion clearly?" and i will give my opinion for this question at the end of this reflective journal.

Okay, the main things that i want to share this week is about how is electronic system is being implement into the industry and what are relationship of electronics system in industry. What crucial here is, electronic system is related to almost all of our daily life aspect, like the society, nation, and even our communication is being cover by electronic system. Thanks to electronic system, we all can live our life to the fullest with latest technology. Now, we will hear what are the professional opinion and why is electronic system is really crucial in industry nowadays. 

Before that, i want to introduce our speaker this week that is Mr. Vivek Panicker, Executive Director of Titan Thermal Solutions. Graduated from Hull universitiy in United Kingdom, serving the Britain's Royal Navy as engineer in system integration field for 5 years. After 5 years, he come back to malaysia and establish this Titans Thermal Solutions that specifically focusing on thermal imaging product and focusing really a lot in  Research and Development of thermal imaging product. This company even have signing one MOU with Malaysia's  Defence Ministry about this thermal imaging.

Mr vivek Panicker

Okay,let the journey of this quite long informative talk begins.
Mr Vivek start his talk with overview of what he will talks about the electronic system in industry. The talk was divided into four importants parts that are :

  • Overview of Electronic System
  • Role of Electronics in Industry
  • Overview of Imaging Industry
  • Electronics within Thermal Imaging Industry 

I will now elaborate about the first point that Mr Vivek decide, that is overview of electronic system. In order to fully understand this talk, Mr Vivek define the electronic system as a group of electronic circuits designed for a specific purpose. Well, lets share some history here, that is in 1960, when human invented radio, that is the starting point where electronic was separate from electrical. 
Here are the highlighted point that Mr Vivek told us :

      • Fundamental to our life
      • Have played a key role in advancement of technology
      • Replaced previous systems and are more integrated into current society
      • Will be a mainstay in future development
      • Progression of electronic systems
        • Large ---> Small ---> Miniature
        • Simple ---> Complex Architectures
        • Analog ---> Digital
revolution of electronic components

This picture actually showing us how the progression of electronic system from time to time, and its keep changing to fulfill the complexity and high technology that always improving. Its how is the real revolutions of the first bulb components to transistor and lastly to IC(integrated circuit) and its always keep become smaller day to day. In electronic field, the smaller the electronic components or parts, more valuable and precious it in the world. Amazing isn't it this electronic system. From my opinion, without this knowledge of electronic system, this world cannot move forward according to today current flow of technology. Because of the engineer in this electronic system field, all of this great high tech invention like, android phone, I-phone, laptop and a lot of digital products in the market come from electronic system field. Gadgets nowadays keep becoming smaller and smaller following the demand of the market and society that thirst for something more complex and smaller. The value seem to follow the flow of electronic gadgets size, and market for electronic gadgets are update from time to time really in a short period. Amazing right! I must say that i'm one of the people who feel really excited looking at the trend of gadgets production nowadays.The most simple that we can see today is how Samsung and Apple compete in producing smartphone. Both this giant company really gain a lot of profit, and both should thanks to electronic system development, otherwise they can't produce their product like today.

Next point is role of electronics in industry. Mr Vivek explaining about what is the function of electronic in industry and how does this electronic things change the momentum of industry nowadays. The most crucial part are, what are the field that already covered by electronic in industry, and looking at the slide given, the field that already 'invaded' by electronic really wide and its cover almost major aspect in this world. Fascinating right to know this fact! hahaha. Here i list what Mr Vivek share with us about this point:

    • Vital to current information and technology era
    • Penetrated seamlessly through various industries
    • A catalyst to enhanced production and productivity within the industry 
    • Most industries today are heavily dependent on electronics
    • conventional classified into :-
      • consumer
      • industrial
      • defence
      • communications
      • information processing systems
    • modern day medical, imaging, transportation and power utilities segments are classified individual
    • however current day electronics often blur the lines of classification

Lets see, what can we guess in the future when almost all of product today, rely on electronic. Its simple, if we can invent something that will benefit the humankind, of course there will be huge momentum change in industry itself. There are five types of conventional classified, that are consumer, industrial, defence, communications and information processing system electronics. When it comes to consumer electronic, it is the oldest segment of electronics with the advent of radio receivers, like microwave, discman, and etc. When it is industrial electronics, it is oriented by modern industry, and the it is always process control equipment, robotic equipment for test and measurement, example like network analyzer, robotic arms, and electronic controls. The third one is defence,  as nowadays it really a strategic plan to implement electronic into defence. While in communications, it is one of the current most rapid growing field. It also important in medical, like creation of medical in testing and monitoring equipment like ECG machine, and NMK scanner. Lastly the best technology that are created by electronic nowadays are imaging technology. We develop imaging and providing the platform for new techniques and also create a modern infrastructure to provide detail imaging. 
Actually, to conclude this, electronics actually play two crucial parts in industry, as a platforms for development of design of new systems and as means to increase productivity of current systems. 

Then Mr Vivek continue about the overview of imaging industry. It is because, his company are more specialize in this imaging field really deep. So he really a professional, when it comes to imaging, and he really share a lot actually. When i listen to the talk about this imaging, there is some points that i understand and some i really have no idea about it. It just that, some imaging when we look more deeper it quite hard to understand and visualize in our brain. It seems that it need a lot of reading in this imaging, and maybe even research to fully understand it. So, lets see what did Mr Vivek explain about this imaging, and i list some of the categories :

  • Chemical Imaging
  • Digital Imaging
  • Geophysical Imaging
  • Medical Imaging
  • Molecular Imaging 
  • Optical Imaging
  • Radar Imaging
  • Thermography 

All this categories are born through evolution process that shift momentum of nowadays imaging industry. Its keep moving forward thus keep improve from time to time and its really damn fascinating to learn actually. You know what, when this imaging industry evolve, we can imagine and are on par with Superman x-ray eyes. Hahaha. That is what i meant, when advent technologies, moved imaging into new heights and develop new methodologies in areas. Its also, moved this imaging industry into new wavelength spectrums for commercial usage. 

You guys know what, when its involve electromagnetic spectrum like infrared wave, the imaging that will be seen an even penetrate into solid objects, and this really benefits our world in a few years later, when some gadgets company for example, implemented this knowledge in their gadgets. It is really fantastic right. Here some pictures about revolution of imaging.

Mr Vivek also highlighted some basic concepts and terms of this imaging, like pixels & resolutions, video frames, NTSC & PAL. This industries requires processing huge quantities of data in short span, and its is prove that electronics eases these complexities and making imaging technology affordable. 

Last but not least, let move to the last point of this talk, that is Electronics within Thermal Imaging Industry
This topic, i will make it into points elaboration according to what Mr Vivek highlighted. 
  • Thermal Imaging originally a spin-off defence electronics
  • Make use of wavelength in 7 - 14 Âµm to form an image
  • Sensors make use of focal plane arrays and are commonly Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs)
  • Often referred to as a "dirty imaging system" compared to CCD  and CMOS architectures. 

Related to electronic thermal.

  • Thermal requires Non-Uniformity Calibration (NUC) on data stream.
  • Data varies in state and space
  • Enables implementation of intinsive algorithms such as Kalman filters, Edge detection, Neural Network Modelling. 
This show about how image are transfer before we view it in a screen

Electronics processing data allows thermal imaging to be used in various other industries :-
This pic shows thermal imaging related field

Actually electronics and the advancement of technology has huge impact on Thermal Industry. Scientist need to do a lot of R&D to creates and discover more and more benefits of electronic in this imaging field because it impact on the world really positive. I really hope my study in this electronic system engineering really benefits the world later on because i want to be one of the contributor that contribute to the world and humankind itself. 

Here are some links for thermal imaging videos:

Lastly before i put an end to this reflective journal, i will give my opinion on "Why MJIIT is unique and difference from other universities in Malaysia?". In my opinion, MJIIT are build to support the "Look East Policy" that state that we should make successful country like japan as role model in order to be one of developed countries by 2020. So, why this institute are difference from other institute or university? We can sya that, Malaysia and Japan are trying exchange and sharing experience in certain field. We malaysian want to gain the study culture and work culture of japanese that are famous for their diligence and on time culture and we malaysian really want to implemented that culture into our style of life. So do japanese, they want to get our culture, and implemented it into japanese technical study. While other institute of malaysia focusing to follow the west style of study and keep moving on with typical or traditional malaysian style of learning. That is the difference though, from what i have observe, and more is this institute are more focusing in R&D, as japanese professor and malaysian professor doing researh together, to obtain and discover new knowledge  in technological field especially in engineering field. Thats all i want to share actually for this week, and any ques that i answer are based on my opinion, and maybe you guys will disagree with it, haha. I'm really sorry for mumbling too much, but this whole reflection is important as it will become reference of my own good or you guys in the future. That is the reason why it should be in details and precise. 

Thanks to those who read this blog, and i hope this reflective journal meet it purpose to serve us with knowledge and information. As usual, i hope i can improve better in reflecting all the knowledge or information in the future. I think that is all from me this week, assalamualaikum and have a nice day. 

to be contibued....... 

Friday, 9 November 2012

Industrial Talk - Electronic System Related to Industry Automation (Japanese Work Culture)!

Reflection 5...

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera.

Alhamdulillah... This is the 9th week for this SMJE 1032 class and i'm glad because i can still writing this reflective journal. Actually this 9th week is not a happy week for me as i'm suspected with dengue fever. Its quite suffer to go around with unhealthy body right? And for you guys information, its quite crazy i think, because i still come to this industrial talk. And yes, the reason i come because i really anticipated to join this activity. Later on as soon as the talk finish i have my appointment with doctor. hahaha.

Okay, let cut to the chase.
First i will introduce the speaker for the industrial talk. He is really an important person in Canon Opto (Malaysia), not the manager, not the executive or engineer, but the Senior General Manager of Canon Opto Malaysia. He has more than 20 years working experience and to be precise already 23 years since 1989. Okay, the speaker name is Muhammad Azlan Bin Amran, really funny guy actually, seriously. Actually, Mr Azlan and Dr. Kamal are graduated from the same university that is University of Electro Communication Chofu, Tokyo. Mr Azlan also said because of the Senpai - Kohai relationship, he can't refuse the request of his senpai that is Dr Kamal to give talk to us. With that joke, our class burst out of laughter.

Let's begin with the contents of the talks.
First of all he tell us about Canon's Corporate Philosophy, that is Kyosei.

This is the philosophy that canon hold and believe.

Then, Mr. Azlan start to talk about the company's product like lens, camera and so on. There are a few examples that that Mr Azlan show us about canon products, such as EF 40mm f/2.8 STM. 

This type of lens is to reduce the noise whenever taking picture or video using digital camera.

And all camera that produce by Canon that is 5D and above using penta prism system. This is the newest technology and something that use by all sophisticated digital single lens reflex camera nowadays. And it seems that Canon really follow the flow of the market. Then, Mr. Azlan also told us something about the process from the design till the manufacturing story of canon products. First, he tell us about the hardest challenge of creating a product that is before the design process begin, the price of the products already decided and every department must follow this price and make sure not to over this price. The design process of certain products, always begin 2 years before the sketching come into a hand of engineer. Only then someone from engineer department will translate the designer drawing into mechanical drawing. From mechanical drawing, then it will proceed to manufacturing team, that is the factory. Start from here, there will always start 'triangle war' between designer, engineer, and developer. Everyone want their opinion to be accepted because of some reasons. This is the reality when it comes to real workplace, that is what Mr. Azlan want us to think. There are still a lot that Mr. Azlan us about working experience world, but i think i should highlights  more on Japanese work culture.

Okay, lets start with the ethics that are practice by Canon opto malaysia, that is EQCD.
  • C - COST
When we speak of environment, in order to sell products worldwide we must follow the regulations that are state by other countries as well as our own country. Plus we only sell products that are safe to environment and human being themselves. Then the quality also important as quality is something that are subjective to everybody. Everyone have their own standard of standardize a products, and because of a lot opinion in the market, so Canon Opto Malaysia has decide its own standard quality. The cost also one of the important aspect, and actually, mR. Azlan reveal something to us that is manufacturing cost is only one third of the product cost in the market. Lastly, the company must deliver all products in time as time is precious and they don't want any complain from customers.

Next, Mr. Azlan move to the japanese ethics that practice in Canon Opto Malaysia. There are 3 that are highlighted here that are :
  • "SAN - GEN"
  • 5S
Okay, i will elaborate 1 by 1 precisely so that all of us in MJIIT students know this japanese culture of work more deeper following what i know through the talk and my own opinion. 

First one is "Horenso", that mean job style.It divides again into 3 parts, that are 'Houkoku', 'Renkaku', 'Soudan'. 'Houkaku' means report, and in japanese work culture, we must report every work and there is unique style of reporting our works, that is the boss always want us to do it short and simple. There are several tips, that are our report to our boss must start wit conclusion, dont mumbling too much, straight to the point, never let the boss ask the progress of the works( if he/she ask, thats mean its already too late or he/she lost their patient already) and lastly, we must try to overcome or beat our boss expectations. While 'Renkaku' means contact. This always come with 4 major basic questions that are what, where, when, and who. The third one is 'Soudan' and it means consultation. In japanese work culture, consultation begin only after work. They will go out and have a drinks together and during this time, they will start to talk about work with  no stress manner at all. This also consider as appointment sometimes, and any problem also can be discuss during this time. I think all this happen because after work period, they can create the environment that is free from official office work, but still they can discuss somethings without any stress. 

Second one is "San - gen"... This also divide into 3 parts, that are 'Genba', 'Genbutsu', 'Genjitsu'

'Genba' means real place or actual site or spot. This to show that all japanese not only reading the reports, but also come to the site to observe things by their own eyes. Then we have, 'Genbutsu', that looking or observing the real parts or actual things is really important as we need to do a very good or correct analysis. The last one in this "San - gen" is 'Genjitsu' that means reality. This means that we must have our facts and understanding ready in certain issue.

Finally we arrive at the last part that are the 5S. 

Japanese Term
English Equivalent
Meaning in Japanese Context
Throw away all rubbish and unrelated materials in the workplace
Set everything in proper place for quick retrieval and storage
Clean the workplace; everyone should be a janitor
Standardize the way of maintaining cleanliness
Practice 'Five S' daily - make it a way of life; this also means 'commitment'

Actually this 1 are not explain well enough by Mr. Azlan as the time given not enough for him to elaborate this. 

So with this, Mr. Azlan finish his talk and we really love to hear his talks again next times. Its really beneficial as we get a lot of input from his talks and understand more better about Japanese Work Culture.

I think that is all from my reflection 5. I know, there is still room for improvement, and i will find it and improve better from time to time. Thanks for reading my blog and assalamualaikum.

to be continued..........

Friday, 2 November 2012

Week 8: Introduction to Bioelectronics!

Reflection 4......

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera.

Alhamdulillah... This is the 8th week of Introduction to Electronic System Engineering class, but it is not a workshop anymore guys. Wake up!! hahaha. Actually in this 8th week, we quite surprise as we already familiar that when it comes to SMJE1032, it is always about workshop. But, we must know that, according to schedule that have been set by Dr. Kamal, it is clearly stated that for this 8th week we will have a new things to learn, that is Bioelectronics. 

The schedule for SMJE 1032 courses.

Thanks god, I didn't go to workshop and go straight to lab in level 4. We cant wait to meet Dr Azran as we never met him yet, an expert in bioelectronic field i heard. hehehe. So this week, there will be 2 sessions with different lecturers that are Dr. Azran and Dr. Kamal, and Mr. Redzuan just sit at the back with us and become observer of the class. First half will be Dr. Azran giving us a lecture or more to a talk i think, about bioelectronics. In the 2nd half, Dr. Kamal will take over the class and he will brief us with a new assignment.

Before we go to main subject of this reflective journal, let me tell a bit about Dr. Azran background. As we all know, he is an expert in this bioelectronic engineering field. He already live at japan for 15 years. He go to Japan to further study in diploma course, then continue his bachelor, master, and phD degree in Japan. Then he works at Japan about 5 years before he come back to Malaysia this year and become senior lecturer at Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology(MJIIT). After hearing his academic background, i really admire him and i wanna make him as role model to be successful in the future.

Dr. Azran Azhim

Okay, lets start reflecting about the 1st half of the class session, that is bioelectronics. First of all i will again divide this into 2 parts that are Introduction to Bioelectronics and The Use of Sonication Treatment to Completely Decellularize Blood Artery. 

First of all, what is bioelectronics?? 
Bioelectronics is a recently coined term for a field of research that works to establish a synergy between electronics and biology. 

So, from here, we know very well that this course or subject generally relate both engineering and biology or medical science. So there is a bonding between this 2 subjects as world becoming more complex and advanced. We need to move forward and explore this field in a serious manner. Furthermore, there are already a lot of job opportunities in this field of bioelectronics such as medical engineer, job in forensics field , job in health department and etc. 

Sorry for mumbling to much, lets get straight to the point. In this lecture, there is several objectives that i wanna highlight here that are :

  1. Understand the concept of bioelectronics.
  2. Understand and know the basic things in Electronic system.
  3. Understand some topic about Fundamental of electric circuit such as, parallel and series circuit, impedance, and etc.
  4. Learn the estimation method to calculate the blood velocity
  5. Molecular Biology
  6. The Use of Sonication Treatment to Completely Decellularize Blood Artery 
Now, i will reflect what i understand in this lecture. When we getting start, first thing was we learned the concept of bioelectronics, then we move to understand some of basic electronic components, resistor color code, series and parallel circuit, voltage divider and so on. This are what i know already, and i think Dr. Azran just want us to recall back this basics and do some revision before we move into the main point. Then we move to impedance, something that i left for quite a long time already. I study impedance during my time in matricultion. Here are some pictures that i screen snap from the soft copy.

This is the electric components and i think all of us know these components very well already.

Series and parallel circuit and the formula.

This is slide about impedance.

We also learn something new like RC circuit(low pass), CR circuit(high pass), active electronic realization, and estimation method. At first, it seems like quite complicated, but after hearing the explanation involving how to calculate, what we actually want to find using a new formula and so on, then we can understand. 
After the explanation finish, Dr. Azran asked us to answer some quiz to see whether we fully understand what he teach us. We also learn something about active electronic realization  and how to calculate it.

Then Dr. Azran move to something i think one of the most important thing in this lecture, that is how circuit calculate blood velocity using estimation method. We spent almost twenty minutes to understand the concept and how to calculate it. 

The path that taken in the circuit to measure the blood velocity.

The probe design & Doppler effects.

The software that monitor the blood velocity spectra.

What i think and understand about this bioelectronic is, it involve in medical engineering. It relate the traditional medicine with newest technology that create by engineering. That is why bioelectronic engineering are more into creating or designing something that is related with the medical field. I mean how to improve the medical instruments like imaging, monitoring, surgery and even therapy for certain disease. That is why nowadays, it is mandatory for engineer to produce a better technology in this medical field so that health of human being will improve. That is the major purpose of this bioelectronics engineering.

I also think about some question relating to this bioelectronic :
  1. Why are we in electronic engineering need to learn about this bio + electronic??
  2. What will this bioelectronic engineering benefits human being that is us?
Answer(based on what i think):
  1. First of all, inside all technology apparatus that is used by doctor to treat their patients, its contents a lot of electronic circuit or electronic components, so most of the gadgets are based on electronic. So we really need this engineering expertise to construct or produce all this gadgets and only engineer that are born both from biology and engineering background can do this kind of projects.That is why this course: Bioelectronic engineering is created.
  2. This high-tech gadgets based on engineering expertise will enhance the knowledge of biological and medical science and of course this will benefits human being right. The other opinion is this field of study will create a lot of job opportunities in our country. We know that our country are moving forward in becoming the develop country, and as we know also, only develop country like Japan and USA conquering this field of engineering. So its a good start for us to use this field to enhance and catalyst our aim becoming develop country by 2020.
After that we move to another topic in the presentation, that is molecular biology. The purpose of this is to relate and close the gap of engineering and medicine in specific. So, we learn about BIOLOGY in this introduction to electronic system class. hahaha... Impressive right? But nevermind, its quite interesting really, as me myself come from biology background in matriculation. Lets see some picture that i snap screen from the presentation:

An eukaryotic cell.

DNA double-strand that in eukaryotic cell.

This section it is quite easy as we only need to learn about fact, so we finish it really quickly and we answer some quiz that has been prepared.

The 2nd part of the lecture is Dr. Azran research and he explain about The Use of Sonication Treatment to Complete Decellularize Blood Artery. It quite complex explanation involving and not all of us able to understand immediately what are the major key point in the research. Maybe it is because of the term that we never heard before plus it is about a research of our people that is expert in this bioelectronic field( a field that we as undergraduate student not yet go through). So we will read and go through the slide show again so that we get the main idea of the research. Here some pic about about the research:

Sonication Decellularization System.

Okay, we arrive at the last part of this session that is Dr, Kamal's session. After Dr. Azran finish, Dr. Kamal take over the class and he brief us about our new assignment. We need to do research on certain topic based on electronic engineering field of study. All the topic and group has been decided by Dr. Kamal. 

My team and my topic that has been chose by Dr. Kamal.

It is not that this group is divided randomly, but it is based on our matrix number and the topic given is based on our academic advisor(PA) expertise on the topic. For you guys information, according to Dr. Kamal, during previous year, the students were asked to present their research using power point but this year, we will do a poster to present our topic task. Dr. Kamal also give us the regulations and guidelines that we must follow to complete the assignment.And we need to pass up or hand in the assignment on 27 Nov 2012. I hope my team can finish this assignment quickly with highest quality and score with flying colors.

Rubric for the assignment.

I think that is all from this reflective journal 4 and arigato gozaimasu.

to be continued.........

Friday, 26 October 2012

Week 7 : Ultiboard Test!


Assalamualaikum and Selamat Sejahtera.

Alhamdulillah... This is the 7th week of Introduction to Electronic System Engineering class and the truth is we have our test on this 4th workshop class. This test really make me nervous because to me ultiboard software not as easy as Multisim software. Maybe its just me who feel this difficulty, because almost all of my friends said that this is as easy as peanut. Honestly, this week there is not much i can tell or reflect from this workshop 4 as in this workshop we only have ultiboard test. hahaha. Before i tell u guys about this 7th week activity, i want to share about two previous week,, that is workshop 2 and workshop 3. So i'm gonna divide this reflection into 3 part of reflection. I will be focusing on what we did during all this workshops and then i reflect everything about what i think most important to be highlighted in this reflective jounal.

Well, let cut to the chase.
Let's begin this history journal from the 2nd workshop that is the multisim test. This class start at 8.00 am, as i tell all of you before that every week the time will rotate for both section. This test quite a surprise to us as it 'sudden attack' from Mr. Redzuan.hehe. All of us thought that Mr. Redzuan will tell be teaching about the ultiboard. Thanks god, because i understand quite well about Multisim software and this test quite easy for me. Alhamdulillah. as a reward, i get very high mark from this test. hehehe.

This is my test and i manage to screen snap it. So proud of the outcome.

After the test, the class was dismissed and the workshop for the other section need to be cancel as Mr. Redzuan has important meeting that need to be attained. So in more simple word, we are 1 step ahead from the other class. Mr. Redzuan commenting on our multisim test on this week. Here is the comment:
  1. All of us doing quite good for the multisim test, and we need to improve more on arrangement of components in the schematic drawing. Need to look more tidy and easy to understand.
  2. Don't do things carelessly and untidy. It will reduce our mark.
  3. Make sure to follow the instructions in the question paper precisely.
I hope we section 2, can improve more from day to day, as we face challenge that keep increasing day by day.  

Let's move to the third workshop that is Ultiboard week!
In this 3rd workshop, we really excited to learn new things more deeply, that is ultiboard. Major question  that always come to our mind is, what is ultiboard?? In simple words, the ultiboard is software that prototype the printed circuit board (PCB) that is from stimulated design from multisim software.

With this software, we are now will be able to do the prototype of the real electronic circuit. I can't imagine how fascinating this class will be. And seriously, its not like what we hope, as we need to master this Ultiboard software in 2 hours, it sound really impossible! According to Mr. Redzuan, actually he used to teach this subject for diploma students, and the time given is 6 hours to make all the students fully understand about this ultiboard lessons. Can you guys imagine, how a slow learner like me need to understand from 'A to Z' about this ultiboard! But nevermind, this lesson has past and let's move forward. I can't give any excuse because a lot of friend believe they can do this, why not me. Mr. Redzuan said to me after the class that the only solution for me to master this ultiboard is by experience it by doing exercise on my own. With this, i really need to learn it by myself and whenever i have any questions, i will directly ask Mr. Redzuan or discuss with my friend later.

So in this workshop, we were ask to do multisim and transfer it to ultiboard. It's kinda easy exercise or task for multisim but ultiboard seriously hard for the first time. After finish our multisim schematic draft, we transfer it to ultiboard. This is where the adventure part begin as we are like sailing at the sea that is full of waves! At first, let me introduce about the icon used in ultiboard and every icon in this ultiboard is harder to understand when compare to multisim software. 

    Every single icon is very important and has its own function. As you can see, this is some icon related to ultiboard software.

Okay, let me explain how to use ultiboard in details.
First, we need to have stimulated design of electric circuit from multisim.

This is one example of  stimulated design from multisim.
#Make sure that before we transfer this stimulated design,
we need to replace the battery with connector.#

Then, we move to next stage that is transfering this stimulated design to ultiboard. After we move it to ultiboard, it will looks like picture below.

This is the first look after stimulated design entering the ultiboard.

  1. The yellow line that is rectangle in shape showing the board outline of our PCB.
  2. Above the rectangle, sit a bunch of component that is group together tightly between them.
Next, we can shape our board from original shape(rectangle) into any other shape that we like. We need to click on 'enable selecting other objects' icon, and change the 'copper top' to the 'board outline'. Only then we can create a new shape for our board according to individual creativity. Then we can delete the original shape. Then we can click the 'enable selecting parts', and change the 'board outline' to 'copper top' again. Thus, we can forward to arrange our components into the board as we like as tidy and neat as possible. Below is the picture for the new board shape and arrangement that i have made.

Here, i choose eclipse shape for my board and i arrange the components so that it just not
concentrated in one place.

After we finish with the arrangement of all the components, we can start the routing of the ultiboard. Press the icon 'start auto routing', and the board will route the wire really nicely. After routing, we have choices whether we want all components to be on the top of the board or arrange some of the components at the bottom of the board. Before that, let me list the function of some important icon in the ultiboard.

  1. 'Enable Selecting Traces' - by clicking this icon, we can control every things about the wire in our prototype PCB including the properties of the wire.
  2. 'Enable Selecting Vias' - by clicking this icon, we can control the vias in our prototype board.
  3. 'Enable Selecting pads' - by clicking this icon, we can change the properties of the pad used.
  4. 'Enable Selecting smd pads' - by clicking this icon, we can change the pad properties of the chip size components that called smd like size, shape of  pad used.
To change the position of the components, we can change 'cooper top' to 'copper bottom' and select the 'enable selecting parts', and change the properties from of the component from 'copper top' to 'copper bottom'. We can repeat this step to each one of components we wanna change from top of the board to bottom. We also can change the trace or wiring of the board from top to bottom by clicking 'enabling selecting trace' and follow the same step as changing components just now. And for your information, the color for 'copper top' and 'copper bottom' are different. As easy as that guys.. hehehe.
After that, we can proceed to by showing the prototype to 3D model by clicking 'show 3D' icon. Thus the image will be transfer to 3D model.
Here i share some picture with you guys.

 Those icon can be change to meet our purpose in this software.

 This one is the 3D model of our project.(plan view)

This is from bottom view of the model.

This is the side view of our project.

BUT remember to alert with the the 'design rule check'(DRC). we need to always alert with this one. when this pop out, it is because when we change position of component after routing, the wire become so close to each other, and we need to adjust it manually. Its also can happen when we change the size of trace or our wiring in the board. 

To polish and increase understanding, let's watch this video.

The video that i get from youtube, teaching us both about mutisim and ultiboard.

It's feel really amazing and happy when we are able to explain on what we have learned. Now, only need you guys to evaluate whether what i'm deliver is correct or wrong. 

Finally, we arrive at the last stage of this reflection that is explanation on workshop 4 on this week. 
As i said before, not much i can reflect from this week, but i will try to output some pictures of my schematic draft of my ultiboard test, and the screen shot of my ultiboard test, with some explanation.

First of all, we are nervous as usual when it come to word 'test'. Seriously, the class this week was really a chaos when computer making problems in the last minute, the DRC that pop out really in a 'nice' number, and we take quite sometime to solve that problem. But, some of us were manage to overcome the problem just in a few minutes and some of us need to struggling till the end of the test, and i'm one of them. hahaha.

This is the question that Mr. Redzuan gave us.

In this question there are several changes that Mr. Redzuan did like change the LED 1, LED 2, and Resistor 5, to 'copper bottom'. There also changes to Resistor 3 and 4 to SMD( surface mount device) type with 2512 in size. Other component is thru-hole including the IC. The board shape cannot be square or rectangle shape, other than that is allowed. The size of the trace or wire was changed also from 10 millimeter to 25 millimeter. And one advice, we need to change all the components that are in virtual into real during multisim, otherwise, the components will not be transfer to ultiboard.

Here are some picture from my test.

This is the stimulated draft before i transfer it to ultiboard.

This is before the routing process begin.

This is my project after i change the trace size and i got 1 DRC. 

Here you can see my error clearly. 

The last 20 minutes of the class really a chaos because a lot of problem come out just after we change the trace value from 10 to 25. Every having the same problem that lead to a lot of errors. My major ques now is, why i can't make this error disappear although i try every single thing i know bout this software??? and i will ask Mr. Redzuan in next workshop. I hope my mark will not be minus too much because of this error. 

I'm really sorry because this week my reflective journal seems to be a long journal. This is because i think all of the workshop are related to each other, and if i cut some part of my workshop, then hard to relate the multisim and ultiboard. Hope all of you enjoy my journal then. Now i'm looking forward to learn new things in next workshop..... 

 Arigato gozaimasu.

to be continued..........