Wednesday 12 September 2012

Week 1 : A New Age Begin To Shine

Assalamualaikum & Salam Satu Malaysia

Alhamdulillah.... After one week of orientation, i begin my first week of class... Everything seem to be new for me,, the subject, the syllabus, even my classmates itselves. I think, it because i came from the exotic land of East Malaysia, that is Sarawak. Anyway, i hope i can do my best here at UTM IC and score the exam or any assignment with flying colors..

Well, let's cut to the chase.
First of all things that we did on the first day of Introduction to Electronic System Engineering class is the 'Ice Breaking'. This is because to make us become more familiar with each one of the classmates, and to build self confidence among the members of the class. We were asked to tell a bit of ourselves like name, our origin, qualification for entering UTM, and why we chose Electronic System Engineering. Every students seem to be very confident of telling about themselves.I hope, this will be a good start for me to make friends here,, InsyaAllah..

After a few minutes break, we were asked to answer some questions about Electronic System Engineering. I think, Dr. Kamal want to revitalize our memory before we start the real class next week. Here some question that Dr Kamal gave us and with the answer :

1. Draw a simple electric system?

    Answer :

2. Find the equivalent resistance for the diagram below?

                                                            ANS :  RT = R1 + R2 || R3

3. a) Draw sinusoidal wave:
    b) Show in the wave : 
        -time period
        -peak voltage

         ANSWER :

  4. a)What is the peak voltage?
         ANSWER : a highest level of volts giving from an alternating current.
      b)What is the frequency?
         ANSWER : The number of times which sound pressure, electrical intensity, or other quantities 
                             specifying a wave vary from their equilibrium value through a complete cycle in unit time.

      c)What is the relation between frequency and time period?

         ANSWER : It is inversely proportional.

While answering the questions, Dr. Kamal show us a video about  "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding".

Here i share with u guys the video :

Dr. Kamal showed us this video so that, we as a new student in Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology can learn the types of student that can success in the future and perspective of lecturers towards these students. In short, the film delivers a foundation for understanding what a teacher needs to do in order to make sure all types of students actually learn what the teacher intends. To know more, u guys really have to watch this video and u guys will know it.....

After that we pass up all the question that Dr. Kamal gave us after discussing the answer. With that, we finish our class for the first week. Okay then, that all i wanna share for this week. Assalamualaikum.....

to be continue.....

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