Saturday 26 April 2014

Malacca Conquered by Elecsysian!!

Alhamdulillah... Syukur ke hadrat Allah SWT atas segala nikmat yg Dia kurniakan...

Selawat ke atas junjungan besar Muhammad SAW...

Malacca... Tempat tersimpannya seribu satu sejarah mengenai semenanjung Malaysia...
Now let me 'story-mory' to u guys about this trip... 

Seperti kata sahabat saya Huda, she really enjoy the trip although that journey is very tiresome but its worth it, Alhamdulillah... So do me, Fizul, Zaharah and all other participants in "Elecsys Alam and Sejarah" programme; we really enjoy this trip to the fullest. 

Elecsysians in "Elecsys Alam and Sejarah"...

Actually kan, aper yg best sangat nya kat Melaka nih??? It it really because of the history? Is it because of the animals? Is it because of the shopping complex there? is because of the people who live there?or because we are coming there? All these questions, if asked to all the the participants, for sure we will get different answers... Each one of them have different intentions, only Allah knows better...

Actually its depends on how we feel at the moment and how we enjoy the moment though... 

Personally for me, i join this kind of activity so that ukhwah between me n my classmates or coursemate generally can be enhance for the sake of Allah... Wallahi, after learning Islam deeper, i always hold on to one principle of mine based on one hadith, that is "Innamal a'maalu binniat", that means every deeds that we do, it must start with intentions (niat), and that intentions or 'niat' we must do it for the sake of Allah SWT only... May Allah accept us during that trip... 

Okay, I just wanna share a bit of my feeling about the trip, and the details of the trip, u guys can click to the link in the end of this post. InsyaAllah... 

Okay, at malacca, we visited 3 places, that is Pantai Tanjung Bidara, Zoo Melaka, and lastly Bandar Hilir Melaka. Two most important things in this post were the keywords used, that are 'Alam' and 'Sejarah'… 'Alam' di sini merujuk pada environment that is more to flora dan fauna(Pantai dan Zoo) while 'Sejarah' merujuk pada Bandar Hilir Melaka that leave a thousand of ancient malay history. 

Apa yg saya dapat dari trip ni, x dapat nak ditulis kesemuany di sini, tapi i know that this moment of memory at Malacca with my friends, i will never forget it. It such a lovely experience that far from all the hustle and bustle of KL and all the university assignments. 

Masa dekat pantai, the first place that we go, i talk to people about environment. That one of the mission that given to us by Pengarah program, and it remind me of street da'wah. I try t apply every skills that i learnt from Ust Firdaus Wong about how to approach people, in a way that the "mad'u"(sasaran dakwah) will listen to what we are trying to convey. 

Let me share with u guys, the magic words that i used to approach people at the  beach, :

"Assalamualaikum, okay tuan/puan im not trying to sell anything or asking for donations, but im just wanna give this pamplet to u, (sambil tangan menghulur pamplet, try to brief the contains of the pamplet)" - By doing this, sasaran kita or mad'u kita akan memberi peluang untuk kita bercakap dan mendengar at least sedikit mesej yg kita cuba sampaikan. Lagi satu, orang Malaysia ni, dorang paling x suka direct seller type people ni dan orang yang minta derma. That is the reality. Lepas tu, sambil-sambil explain sikit pasal contain pamplet, saya ask the name of the mad'u. Why ask name?? Sebab, secara psikologi, bila kita start the conversation with strangers, if we know their name, it will develop trust between daie(pendakwah) dan mad'u, plus manusia ni x akan rasa kita ni strangers sangat, if we know their names. 

*Macam poyo pulak, padahal nak distribute pamplet sayangi alam sekitar jer* Hahahaha 

Geng-geng 1st year... 

View of Pantai Tanjung Bidara

Model Elecsys; Nazrin - Boleh buat cover novel cintan-cintun ni :p

Xderlah, sebenarnya, how to approach people or specifically strangers ni penting, coz setiap umat Islam ini adalah daie. So, kalu kita segan tahap gaban nak approach orang ramai, dakwah dari segi lisan dan perbuatan sukar untuk sampai pada diri non-muslim ataupun muslims itu sendiri...

Dalam Al-Quran dah cakap, Surah al- Isra' ayat 15, Allah bagitau kita yg bahawa Dia x akan mengazab  seseorang sebelum Dia mengutuskan seorang Rasul. Di sinilah peranan seorang Muslim sebagai daie, penyambung dakwah Rasulullah utk menyebarkan mesej-mesej dalam Islam kepada orang ramai. Sebab kadang2 dakwah perihal or pengertian Islam itu tidak sampai ke sesetengah orang atau kawasan. So, we need to do approaching style in order for Islam to reach everyone in this world...

Bayangkan, kalu para sahabat Rasulullah SAW segan nak approach strangers masa sebarkan Islam dekat ceruk2 di pelosok dunia mcm China, Africa, and so on, adakah Islam itu sampai pada diri KITA secara general di Malaysia or di mana sahaja di pelosok dunia ini?? Cuba kita guna akal yg membezakan kita dengan haiwan, untuk kita berfikir barang sejenak cuma, akan hakikat bagaimana dakwah itu boleh sampai pada nenek moyang kita dahulu?? Renung2kan...

Okay cut... Banyak betul out of topic, tadi cakap nak citer feelin pasal trip jer kan... Alahai... 

Then, after  habis distribute pamplete and kutip sampah, so 'Bidadari Elecsys' pun bukaklah bekal dorang yg lengkap giler tue. Nampak sangat dorang dah plan rapi nak berpicnic sebagai tujuan utama, dan distribute pamplet tu jadi aktiviti sampingan... Hehehe, bak kata Pak Cik Saris, "Kalu budak lelaki pergi pantai ramai-ramai dengan budak perempuan, x payah nak bawak aper2 makanan, tapi perut akan still kenyang, sebab perempuan nih, dorang suka bab2 bawak makanan gi pantai nih, kira macam hobi jugak lah, so lelaki ni dia x akan rasa laparlah"... ahhahaha

Pak Cik Saris dan Fahmi  Aidil

Lepas kenyang, we then move to Zoo, and kat zoo macam biasa lah, smua excited nak tengok 'saudara mara' bak kata Abg Nazrin... Hahaha, (Bleh refer blog Pengarah Prog kat link bawah psot ni nanti)...

Last place iaitu Bandar Hilir Melaka.. Here where i really enjoy the day dengan telatah Fizul, Huda and Zaharah... Rasany paling lucu zaharah ngan Huda, coz asyik nak tergelak jer dengan telatah budak dua orang nih... Sorang  excited nak follow macam Fizul, nak jadi photograper guna DSLR, lagi sorang ni, x abis2 dengan dia punya ayat "Nak kite tangkap gambar macam pro ke macam biasa"... Alahaiii... haha

There are so much memories that i cant actually described in details, because u guys make my day everytime i think about that experience, moment and how funny my friends were... Thanks guys, coz giving me this precious memory... 

Here i attach some photos at Bandar Hilir Melaka...

Dorang ni happy betul kalu kena snap... haha

Dari kanan : Putera Fizul,  Puteri Zaharah and Pangeran Anak Huda 

Bak kata Bryan, "Pirates of the Malacca Strait: Return of the Portuguese." - Funny giler

Muka-muka 'lanun Melaka'... hahaha

View before we ride on Cruise... 
Actually there are more photos in Pengarah Program punyer blog, so malasss nak attach byk2...


Lepas berfikir tentang hakikat perkongsian sesama muslim, (cewahhh, ayat x bleh blahhh) im thinking of sharing my ODOJ programme to all people out there... Lepas more than 3 months doing ODOJ with my friends, I think that its the time i should share this with all my friends, sebab Ramadhan pun x lame lagi, marilah kita sama2 "Fastabiqul Khairats"( berlumba-berlumba dalam berbuat kebajikan)... What is ODOJ, i will explain in my next sharing... InsyaAllah, Biiznillah... 

P/s : AWESOME trip with AWESOME friends and I manage to store AWESOME moment to my AWESOME memory... 

Here the link that i told u guys about: Blog Pengarah Program...

Yang Benar: 
Hamba Allah, HR... 

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