Friday 9 November 2012

Industrial Talk - Electronic System Related to Industry Automation (Japanese Work Culture)!

Reflection 5...

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera.

Alhamdulillah... This is the 9th week for this SMJE 1032 class and i'm glad because i can still writing this reflective journal. Actually this 9th week is not a happy week for me as i'm suspected with dengue fever. Its quite suffer to go around with unhealthy body right? And for you guys information, its quite crazy i think, because i still come to this industrial talk. And yes, the reason i come because i really anticipated to join this activity. Later on as soon as the talk finish i have my appointment with doctor. hahaha.

Okay, let cut to the chase.
First i will introduce the speaker for the industrial talk. He is really an important person in Canon Opto (Malaysia), not the manager, not the executive or engineer, but the Senior General Manager of Canon Opto Malaysia. He has more than 20 years working experience and to be precise already 23 years since 1989. Okay, the speaker name is Muhammad Azlan Bin Amran, really funny guy actually, seriously. Actually, Mr Azlan and Dr. Kamal are graduated from the same university that is University of Electro Communication Chofu, Tokyo. Mr Azlan also said because of the Senpai - Kohai relationship, he can't refuse the request of his senpai that is Dr Kamal to give talk to us. With that joke, our class burst out of laughter.

Let's begin with the contents of the talks.
First of all he tell us about Canon's Corporate Philosophy, that is Kyosei.

This is the philosophy that canon hold and believe.

Then, Mr. Azlan start to talk about the company's product like lens, camera and so on. There are a few examples that that Mr Azlan show us about canon products, such as EF 40mm f/2.8 STM. 

This type of lens is to reduce the noise whenever taking picture or video using digital camera.

And all camera that produce by Canon that is 5D and above using penta prism system. This is the newest technology and something that use by all sophisticated digital single lens reflex camera nowadays. And it seems that Canon really follow the flow of the market. Then, Mr. Azlan also told us something about the process from the design till the manufacturing story of canon products. First, he tell us about the hardest challenge of creating a product that is before the design process begin, the price of the products already decided and every department must follow this price and make sure not to over this price. The design process of certain products, always begin 2 years before the sketching come into a hand of engineer. Only then someone from engineer department will translate the designer drawing into mechanical drawing. From mechanical drawing, then it will proceed to manufacturing team, that is the factory. Start from here, there will always start 'triangle war' between designer, engineer, and developer. Everyone want their opinion to be accepted because of some reasons. This is the reality when it comes to real workplace, that is what Mr. Azlan want us to think. There are still a lot that Mr. Azlan us about working experience world, but i think i should highlights  more on Japanese work culture.

Okay, lets start with the ethics that are practice by Canon opto malaysia, that is EQCD.
  • C - COST
When we speak of environment, in order to sell products worldwide we must follow the regulations that are state by other countries as well as our own country. Plus we only sell products that are safe to environment and human being themselves. Then the quality also important as quality is something that are subjective to everybody. Everyone have their own standard of standardize a products, and because of a lot opinion in the market, so Canon Opto Malaysia has decide its own standard quality. The cost also one of the important aspect, and actually, mR. Azlan reveal something to us that is manufacturing cost is only one third of the product cost in the market. Lastly, the company must deliver all products in time as time is precious and they don't want any complain from customers.

Next, Mr. Azlan move to the japanese ethics that practice in Canon Opto Malaysia. There are 3 that are highlighted here that are :
  • "SAN - GEN"
  • 5S
Okay, i will elaborate 1 by 1 precisely so that all of us in MJIIT students know this japanese culture of work more deeper following what i know through the talk and my own opinion. 

First one is "Horenso", that mean job style.It divides again into 3 parts, that are 'Houkoku', 'Renkaku', 'Soudan'. 'Houkaku' means report, and in japanese work culture, we must report every work and there is unique style of reporting our works, that is the boss always want us to do it short and simple. There are several tips, that are our report to our boss must start wit conclusion, dont mumbling too much, straight to the point, never let the boss ask the progress of the works( if he/she ask, thats mean its already too late or he/she lost their patient already) and lastly, we must try to overcome or beat our boss expectations. While 'Renkaku' means contact. This always come with 4 major basic questions that are what, where, when, and who. The third one is 'Soudan' and it means consultation. In japanese work culture, consultation begin only after work. They will go out and have a drinks together and during this time, they will start to talk about work with  no stress manner at all. This also consider as appointment sometimes, and any problem also can be discuss during this time. I think all this happen because after work period, they can create the environment that is free from official office work, but still they can discuss somethings without any stress. 

Second one is "San - gen"... This also divide into 3 parts, that are 'Genba', 'Genbutsu', 'Genjitsu'

'Genba' means real place or actual site or spot. This to show that all japanese not only reading the reports, but also come to the site to observe things by their own eyes. Then we have, 'Genbutsu', that looking or observing the real parts or actual things is really important as we need to do a very good or correct analysis. The last one in this "San - gen" is 'Genjitsu' that means reality. This means that we must have our facts and understanding ready in certain issue.

Finally we arrive at the last part that are the 5S. 

Japanese Term
English Equivalent
Meaning in Japanese Context
Throw away all rubbish and unrelated materials in the workplace
Set everything in proper place for quick retrieval and storage
Clean the workplace; everyone should be a janitor
Standardize the way of maintaining cleanliness
Practice 'Five S' daily - make it a way of life; this also means 'commitment'

Actually this 1 are not explain well enough by Mr. Azlan as the time given not enough for him to elaborate this. 

So with this, Mr. Azlan finish his talk and we really love to hear his talks again next times. Its really beneficial as we get a lot of input from his talks and understand more better about Japanese Work Culture.

I think that is all from my reflection 5. I know, there is still room for improvement, and i will find it and improve better from time to time. Thanks for reading my blog and assalamualaikum.

to be continued..........

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