Friday 23 November 2012

Week 10 : Electronic Systems In Industry

Reflection 6...

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera.

Alhamdulillah... This is the 10th week already and semester 1 almost arrive to a full stop. This indicate that Introduction To Electronic System Engineering class almost come to an end. Lets straight to the point, actually i read some of my friend's blog this week, and their blog really is amazing and fantastic about the contents.I found that, the contents are quite the same. Hahaha, u guys know what? it is because everyone using soft copy of  Mr. Vivek presentations. No wonder there are a lot of creativity in reflecting all those material into a very good reflective journal. Even me myself will be using the same sources of contents. But now, i want to make something different this week, that i will try to interpret all of Mr. Vivek presentation into 1 simple, unique and understandable reflection. I will try to reflect this week reflection and response to all the content of the presentation in my own way.  

Let cut to chase then, 

First, we as usual come to the class at 9 a.m sharp. We thought that the talk will be around 9.30 a.m but then, the talk start at 10 a.m. So, in the meantime, Dr Kamal briefing us about the trip to Canon, and he mention that he and Dr Azran will not follow the trip because of both of them need to attend important seminar. So, next week we will go to canon opto factory and all students are compulsory to attend this trip. If not, they must give a concrete reason why. All students should complete the EPPP, a place to comment on how is the lecturers performance in class according to the student's opinion. There is one question from Dr Kamal that i want to share here that is " Why MJIIT is unique and difference from other universities in Malaysia and please state your opinion clearly?" and i will give my opinion for this question at the end of this reflective journal.

Okay, the main things that i want to share this week is about how is electronic system is being implement into the industry and what are relationship of electronics system in industry. What crucial here is, electronic system is related to almost all of our daily life aspect, like the society, nation, and even our communication is being cover by electronic system. Thanks to electronic system, we all can live our life to the fullest with latest technology. Now, we will hear what are the professional opinion and why is electronic system is really crucial in industry nowadays. 

Before that, i want to introduce our speaker this week that is Mr. Vivek Panicker, Executive Director of Titan Thermal Solutions. Graduated from Hull universitiy in United Kingdom, serving the Britain's Royal Navy as engineer in system integration field for 5 years. After 5 years, he come back to malaysia and establish this Titans Thermal Solutions that specifically focusing on thermal imaging product and focusing really a lot in  Research and Development of thermal imaging product. This company even have signing one MOU with Malaysia's  Defence Ministry about this thermal imaging.

Mr vivek Panicker

Okay,let the journey of this quite long informative talk begins.
Mr Vivek start his talk with overview of what he will talks about the electronic system in industry. The talk was divided into four importants parts that are :

  • Overview of Electronic System
  • Role of Electronics in Industry
  • Overview of Imaging Industry
  • Electronics within Thermal Imaging Industry 

I will now elaborate about the first point that Mr Vivek decide, that is overview of electronic system. In order to fully understand this talk, Mr Vivek define the electronic system as a group of electronic circuits designed for a specific purpose. Well, lets share some history here, that is in 1960, when human invented radio, that is the starting point where electronic was separate from electrical. 
Here are the highlighted point that Mr Vivek told us :

      • Fundamental to our life
      • Have played a key role in advancement of technology
      • Replaced previous systems and are more integrated into current society
      • Will be a mainstay in future development
      • Progression of electronic systems
        • Large ---> Small ---> Miniature
        • Simple ---> Complex Architectures
        • Analog ---> Digital
revolution of electronic components

This picture actually showing us how the progression of electronic system from time to time, and its keep changing to fulfill the complexity and high technology that always improving. Its how is the real revolutions of the first bulb components to transistor and lastly to IC(integrated circuit) and its always keep become smaller day to day. In electronic field, the smaller the electronic components or parts, more valuable and precious it in the world. Amazing isn't it this electronic system. From my opinion, without this knowledge of electronic system, this world cannot move forward according to today current flow of technology. Because of the engineer in this electronic system field, all of this great high tech invention like, android phone, I-phone, laptop and a lot of digital products in the market come from electronic system field. Gadgets nowadays keep becoming smaller and smaller following the demand of the market and society that thirst for something more complex and smaller. The value seem to follow the flow of electronic gadgets size, and market for electronic gadgets are update from time to time really in a short period. Amazing right! I must say that i'm one of the people who feel really excited looking at the trend of gadgets production nowadays.The most simple that we can see today is how Samsung and Apple compete in producing smartphone. Both this giant company really gain a lot of profit, and both should thanks to electronic system development, otherwise they can't produce their product like today.

Next point is role of electronics in industry. Mr Vivek explaining about what is the function of electronic in industry and how does this electronic things change the momentum of industry nowadays. The most crucial part are, what are the field that already covered by electronic in industry, and looking at the slide given, the field that already 'invaded' by electronic really wide and its cover almost major aspect in this world. Fascinating right to know this fact! hahaha. Here i list what Mr Vivek share with us about this point:

    • Vital to current information and technology era
    • Penetrated seamlessly through various industries
    • A catalyst to enhanced production and productivity within the industry 
    • Most industries today are heavily dependent on electronics
    • conventional classified into :-
      • consumer
      • industrial
      • defence
      • communications
      • information processing systems
    • modern day medical, imaging, transportation and power utilities segments are classified individual
    • however current day electronics often blur the lines of classification

Lets see, what can we guess in the future when almost all of product today, rely on electronic. Its simple, if we can invent something that will benefit the humankind, of course there will be huge momentum change in industry itself. There are five types of conventional classified, that are consumer, industrial, defence, communications and information processing system electronics. When it comes to consumer electronic, it is the oldest segment of electronics with the advent of radio receivers, like microwave, discman, and etc. When it is industrial electronics, it is oriented by modern industry, and the it is always process control equipment, robotic equipment for test and measurement, example like network analyzer, robotic arms, and electronic controls. The third one is defence,  as nowadays it really a strategic plan to implement electronic into defence. While in communications, it is one of the current most rapid growing field. It also important in medical, like creation of medical in testing and monitoring equipment like ECG machine, and NMK scanner. Lastly the best technology that are created by electronic nowadays are imaging technology. We develop imaging and providing the platform for new techniques and also create a modern infrastructure to provide detail imaging. 
Actually, to conclude this, electronics actually play two crucial parts in industry, as a platforms for development of design of new systems and as means to increase productivity of current systems. 

Then Mr Vivek continue about the overview of imaging industry. It is because, his company are more specialize in this imaging field really deep. So he really a professional, when it comes to imaging, and he really share a lot actually. When i listen to the talk about this imaging, there is some points that i understand and some i really have no idea about it. It just that, some imaging when we look more deeper it quite hard to understand and visualize in our brain. It seems that it need a lot of reading in this imaging, and maybe even research to fully understand it. So, lets see what did Mr Vivek explain about this imaging, and i list some of the categories :

  • Chemical Imaging
  • Digital Imaging
  • Geophysical Imaging
  • Medical Imaging
  • Molecular Imaging 
  • Optical Imaging
  • Radar Imaging
  • Thermography 

All this categories are born through evolution process that shift momentum of nowadays imaging industry. Its keep moving forward thus keep improve from time to time and its really damn fascinating to learn actually. You know what, when this imaging industry evolve, we can imagine and are on par with Superman x-ray eyes. Hahaha. That is what i meant, when advent technologies, moved imaging into new heights and develop new methodologies in areas. Its also, moved this imaging industry into new wavelength spectrums for commercial usage. 

You guys know what, when its involve electromagnetic spectrum like infrared wave, the imaging that will be seen an even penetrate into solid objects, and this really benefits our world in a few years later, when some gadgets company for example, implemented this knowledge in their gadgets. It is really fantastic right. Here some pictures about revolution of imaging.

Mr Vivek also highlighted some basic concepts and terms of this imaging, like pixels & resolutions, video frames, NTSC & PAL. This industries requires processing huge quantities of data in short span, and its is prove that electronics eases these complexities and making imaging technology affordable. 

Last but not least, let move to the last point of this talk, that is Electronics within Thermal Imaging Industry
This topic, i will make it into points elaboration according to what Mr Vivek highlighted. 
  • Thermal Imaging originally a spin-off defence electronics
  • Make use of wavelength in 7 - 14 µm to form an image
  • Sensors make use of focal plane arrays and are commonly Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs)
  • Often referred to as a "dirty imaging system" compared to CCD  and CMOS architectures. 

Related to electronic thermal.

  • Thermal requires Non-Uniformity Calibration (NUC) on data stream.
  • Data varies in state and space
  • Enables implementation of intinsive algorithms such as Kalman filters, Edge detection, Neural Network Modelling. 
This show about how image are transfer before we view it in a screen

Electronics processing data allows thermal imaging to be used in various other industries :-
This pic shows thermal imaging related field

Actually electronics and the advancement of technology has huge impact on Thermal Industry. Scientist need to do a lot of R&D to creates and discover more and more benefits of electronic in this imaging field because it impact on the world really positive. I really hope my study in this electronic system engineering really benefits the world later on because i want to be one of the contributor that contribute to the world and humankind itself. 

Here are some links for thermal imaging videos:

Lastly before i put an end to this reflective journal, i will give my opinion on "Why MJIIT is unique and difference from other universities in Malaysia?". In my opinion, MJIIT are build to support the "Look East Policy" that state that we should make successful country like japan as role model in order to be one of developed countries by 2020. So, why this institute are difference from other institute or university? We can sya that, Malaysia and Japan are trying exchange and sharing experience in certain field. We malaysian want to gain the study culture and work culture of japanese that are famous for their diligence and on time culture and we malaysian really want to implemented that culture into our style of life. So do japanese, they want to get our culture, and implemented it into japanese technical study. While other institute of malaysia focusing to follow the west style of study and keep moving on with typical or traditional malaysian style of learning. That is the difference though, from what i have observe, and more is this institute are more focusing in R&D, as japanese professor and malaysian professor doing researh together, to obtain and discover new knowledge  in technological field especially in engineering field. Thats all i want to share actually for this week, and any ques that i answer are based on my opinion, and maybe you guys will disagree with it, haha. I'm really sorry for mumbling too much, but this whole reflection is important as it will become reference of my own good or you guys in the future. That is the reason why it should be in details and precise. 

Thanks to those who read this blog, and i hope this reflective journal meet it purpose to serve us with knowledge and information. As usual, i hope i can improve better in reflecting all the knowledge or information in the future. I think that is all from me this week, assalamualaikum and have a nice day. 

to be contibued....... 

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